Psychoanalysis - Psychotherapy - Sex therapy - Brief therapy

Françoise Bérard

As a psychoanalyst, I also practise analytical psychotherapy, analytical sex therapy and couple therapy. I also use brief therapies such as TPS (psycho-sensory therapy) to treat psychological trauma and NTMO (neuro-eye movement therapy, similar to EMDR). Affiliated with the Freudian Federation of Psychoanalysis, my practice is subject to supervision. I offer one-hour consultations for adults and adolescents in my practice in Vendargues or by videoconference.

My expertise

Practised face-to-face, in interaction with the therapist, this approach helps you to discover yourself or to get to know yourself better, to overcome emotional, professional or existential blocks.... to unravel unconscious psychological conflicts, to reconnect with your emotions and to accept them.

Sex Therapy
Supportive Therapy
Analytical Psychotherapy

Psychoanalysis is a form of self-examination which, session after session, enables the individual to retrace the course of his or her history through the free association of ideas and uncensored, uncensored speech. By delving into the threads of his or her life, it is possible to free oneself from buried psychological conflicts, sometimes inherited from a traumatic and painful family history. The main aim of psychoanalysis is to develop self-knowledge, self-acceptance and self-esteem.

This approach is similar to that used in analytical therapy, but focuses particularly on the place given or not given to sexuality in one's life. Ejaculation problems, frigidity, lack of desire, inhibition, etc. are all sexual blockages of psychological origin. Gradual awareness of the underlying causes of these blockages, whether linked to upbringing, religion or family history, enables the individual to reinvest in this area of his or her life and find fulfilment in it.

For people who are going through an ordeal or a difficult time in their lives and need neutral, caring support to find resources and adapt them to everyday life.

The parenting, family, marital, financial, sexual and other difficulties that couples encounter in the course of their lives can sometimes seem insurmountable; the intervention of a neutral, caring therapist enables the couple to re-establish dialogue and communication to tackle the problems and deal with them in the best possible way.

Couple therapy
Eye Movement Therapy
Psycho-Sensory Therapy

It is a brief therapy that can be used to relieve post-traumatic stress disorders, phobias, generalised anxiety states, pathological bereavement, and so on.

This is a brief therapy developed by psychiatrist Marie Claude LENES to treat recent or old psychological trauma caused by violence (whether physical, verbal, sexual, political, war-related or caused by natural disasters). This method uses all the information that was perceived by the sensory organs at the time of the trauma to go back through it, to "speak" to it and, by doing so, remove its toxicity.

Who am I?

  • 2023 : Training in Psycho-Sensory Therapy TPS-FORMATIONS SAS Dr Marie Claude Lenes

  • 2022 : Training in Eye Movement Neurotherapy - Espace Psy Formation

  • 2017 : Training in couple therapy - Institut Freudien de Psychanalyse Montpellierain (IFPM)

  • 2013 : Training in psychoanalysis - Institut Freudien de Psychanalyse Montpellierain (IFPM)

  • 1987 : State nursing diploma - University of Montpellier

After working for a long time in various areas of healthcare as a nurse, I gradually turned to psychoanalysis. I trained as a psychoanalyst at the Institut Freudien de Psychanalyse in Montpellier and then in Nîmes, to which I then added various complementary courses (sex therapy and couple therapy) or specialist courses in the treatment of psychological trauma (Neuro Therapy using Eye Movement and Psychosensory Therapy).

My career

Practical information

Opening hours

11am - 7pm
10am - 1pm
11am - 7pm

cabinet psychologue montpellier psychanalyse vendargues hérault
cabinet psychologue montpellier psychanalyse vendargues hérault

The firm

Contact details

2bis Rue des Rosiers, 34740 Vendargues

1st floor (no lift) - Free parking

SIRET : 49361991000059

Antony A.

Ms Berard is a trusted psychoanalyst who will listen to you without judgement in an office that is as pleasant as it is comfortable.

Alex D-B

The fact that she can take me through some very dark times with bereavement counselling and also do it in my mother tongue, in perfect English, is priceless to me! Honestly, I don't know what I would have done without her help.

Google reviews

S. M.

A caring psychoanalyst who listens carefully. She was able to help us progress as a couple by accompanying us without judging us. We owe her a lot!

Isabelle G.

A caring and attentive therapist who I highly recommend.